Complete Streets Policies

Main Street view with bike lanes and pedestrians

Complete Streets Plan

The City’s Complete Streets Task Force worked through 2020 to develop a Complete Streets Plan. The Plan gives guidance on how Hartford can transform its streets to complete streets, that serve all users – pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists. 

The Plan has been adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and was approved for full adoption by the Hartford City Council on June 14, 2021 by a 9-0 vote. Find the plan in the Related Information section on this page.

Complete Streets Fund

As part of the Zoning Code, a Complete Streets Fund was established to support initiatives related to transportation planning.

The FY25 draft budget was shared and discussed at the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on August 27, 2024. Materials for this meeting are available at:

Complete Streets Task Force

Established by municipal ordinance, the City of Hartford Complete Streets Task Force is comprised of representatives from various City departments, civic organizations, design professionals, and other stakeholders. The goal of the Task Force is to create, support, and implement the Complete Streets Plan (noted above). 

The Task Force meets on a bimonthly schedule during even months on the second Mondays at noon. Find meeting details on

Stay updated with the Complete Streets Taskforce!

Complete Streets Initiatives