Local Interagency Service Team (LIST)
The Hartford Juvenile Court District Local Interagency Service Team (LIST) is comprised of Hartford, Bloomfield, East Hartford, Glastonbury, West Hartford, and Windsor Youth Services Departments, and is charged with the following goals:
- Raise local community awareness about the needs of children and youth served by the juvenile system.
- Assist the juvenile system in identifying services, supports and opportunities for court-involved children and youth in their communities.
- Generate additional resources for at-risk and court-involved children and youth.
- Make recommendations to improve the juvenile justice system.
- Encourage collaborative efforts among local stakeholders for assessing the physical, social, behavioral and educational needs of children and youth in their respective communities that lead to juvenile justice involvement and assist in the development of comprehensive plans to address such needs. The infrastructure for planning is intended to be data-driven and encourage the use of evidence-based approaches and programs to support positive youth development.