Purchase City-Owned Property

Arrowhead Cafe

Apply to purchase city-owned property here. Please note that all applicants will be required to submit a complete Application Package.

  • A deposit of ten percent (10%) of the purchase price via a certified check or money order will be required within ten (10) business days of notification of acceptance of the purchaser’s proposal.
  • The City reserves the right to reject any and all responses and to accept only those responses deemed by the City to be in its best interest.
  • The City reserves the right to conduct bankruptcy, judgment, lien or other corporate background searches at its discretion and at the cost of the applicant.
  • The City may require additional documentation if the applicant is an employee of the City of Hartford or is related to a City employee.



Step 1.Determine Property Type

Please review the following property categories and subsequent chart to determine which documents are required to complete your application.

Category A Properties

  • any single-family structure or two or three family structure where the applicant intends to occupy part or all of the property.
  • ·vacant parcels 10,000 square feet or less

Category B Properties

  • all commercial structures less than 10,000 square feet
  • mixed use residential and commercial structures (regardless of the number of residential units or owner occupancy) where the total square footage of the structure is less than 10,000 square feet
  • residential structures of three units or less where the owner will not be an occupant

Category C Properties

  • all vacant parcels over 10,000 square feet
  • all commercial structures more than 10,000 square feet
  • mixed-use residential and commercial structures over 10,000 square feet
  • residential structures of four or more units
  • all industrial or other structures


Step 2.Collect Documents

  • Cover Letter: Detailing the purchaser’s proposal including a narrative description of the proposed development and use(s), including the size and square footage of all structures.)
  • Tax, Lien and Violation Affidavit: Please sign and have notarized the affidavit attached to the application.
  • Explanation of Financing: Identify: 1) the type and probable sources for construction and permanent financing, 2) required equity for the development costs shown and 3) any government funds you intend to use and what steps have been taken to secure such funds. Attach any available conditional commitments, pre-approval letters, proof of personal funds or investor commitment letters with contact information for each source. Please note the selected developer may be required to provide a current certified financial statement showing assets and liabilities, including contingent liabilities. Other evidence of the developer’s qualifications and financial ability to finance the acquisition and development of the property may be required at the discretion of the City of Hartford. Such financial information will be returned to the applicant.
  • Development Schedule: Present proposed schedule for all major development and construction activities, including dates for the start and completion of construction.
  • Cost Breakdown: Breakdown of hard and soft costs and proposed project budget with any available documentation for projected costs. Note that the City of Hartford, at its discretion, may require signed estimates for work to be completed.
  • Sources and Uses of Funds: Provide a breakdown of development sources and uses for the proposed project.
  • Operating Pro-forma: Provide a minimum ten year operating proforma detailing expenses including, mortgage, payments, taxes, utilities, etc.
  • List of Prior Projects: Include the name of individual or development entity (with development resume if a development entity) and projects that you have started and those you have completed including address, timetable to completion and references with contact information for each. If government funds were used for these projects, please note which fund type, sources and the total amount of the loan/grant.
  • List of Related Entities: Please submit a list of all corporate entities in which you are a member/partner/owner/affiliate AND any entities otherwise related to the developer entity, if any.

Please note the application must have all necessary attachments for it to be processed.

Step 3.Complete the Online Application

 Click Here to Apply

Step 4.Purchase Approval 

A deposit of ten percent (10%) of the purchase price via a certified check or money order will be required within ten (10) business days of notification of acceptance of the purchaser’s proposal.