Obtain a Zoning Compliance Letter

Zoning Verification for loan transactions
  1. Zoning Verification Letters are issued for informational purposes to support a real estate transaction. These letters verify the zoning district of a property and any special overlay districts. They may also provide a list of allowable uses; they may indicate whether there are open zoning violations and whether or not a specific proposed use can be permitted. If requested, with research, Zoning Verification Letters can further verify conformance or nonconformance of existing structures or uses on site, existence of variances or valid special permits, neighborhood context, additional development history.
  2. The owner of any property containing a nonconforming Roominghouse/Boardinghouse, Temporary Shelter Facility, Beer/Wine/Liquor Sales, Outdoor Sales Lot, Automobile/Truck/Limousine Rental, Pawn Shop/Check Cashing Establishment, Smoking Place, Tattoo/Piercing Parlor, Vehicle Fueling & Limited Service, Vehicle Service/Car Wash, Adult Establishment, or Industrial use in a Neighborhood (N) or Neighborhood Mix (NX) district (such uses being, collectively and individually, for the purpose of this subsection, "certifiable nonconforming uses") , or an owner of property subject to 1.5.3 G. (Restoring a Nonconforming Use) or 1.5.4 G (Restoring a Nonconforming Structure), or an owner of property on which a nonconforming use is ceased for a period of 6 months pursuant to 1.5.3 H.(1), shall petition the zoning administrator for a certificate of nonconformance, which shall be required for continuation of such use, prior to applying for any new zoning permit for the subject property.

Zoning Verification Letters and Certificates of Nonconformance do not authorize the property owner to proceed with a specific development or formally establish a new use. Please visit the “Planning & Zoning Review” Service Page for more information on this. 



The Department of Development Services uses the Accela portal to accept all Planning and Zoning applications. Please create an account to submit applications.

After logging on, you should be able to "Select a Record Type" for the applicable application. To view existing applications and check their status, please select "My Records".

To request a Zoning Verification Letter please choose the “General Assistance” Record Group and select the “Zoning Verification” Record Type.

To request a Certificate of Nonconformance please choose the “General Assistance” Record Group and select the “Certificate of Nonconformance/Compliance” Record Type.

Planning & Zoning Application Portal

**If you are not sure which option to select, email oneplan@hartford.gov with a basic description of your project and your question(s)**