Apply for a Certificate of Apartment Occupancy

Apartment interior kitchen

The CAO ordinance certifies that an apartment or dwelling unit conforms with the requirements of the Hartford Municipal Housing Code ordinance pertaining to code violations. A Certificate of Apartment Occupancy (CAO) must be issued by the Director of Licenses and Inspections prior to an apartment or dwelling unit being occupied. 


A Certificate of Apartment Occupancy (CAO) must be issued by the Director of Licenses and Inspections prior to an apartment or dwelling unit being occupied. 

Step 1.Review Guidelines

  • A Certificate of Apartment Occupancy (CAO) must be issued by the Director of Licenses and Inspections prior to an apartment or dwelling unit being occupied.
  • A separate form must be submitted for each apartment or unit requiring a Certificate of Apartment Occupancy. 
  • Requirements do NOT apply to structures containing two or less dwelling units.
  • Requirements do not apply to structures containing three housing units, in which one is owner-occupied.
  • Requirements do not apply to any structure which has been constructed or substantially reconstructed within the previous ten years.
  • Residential buildings with ten or more units are not required to obtain a CAO before rental, but instead are required to apply for a Rental License.

Step 2.Complete Online Application 

Applications may be submitted online. Please be advised that you will have to create an account before proceeding. After creating an account, please select "Create an Application" on the home page. To view an existing application, please select "Search Applications". 

Submit a Permit Application Here 

Step 3.Make Payment

A check or money order for twenty-five ($25.00) dollars payable to the City of Hartford must accompany each application submitted.

Step 4.Apartment Inspection and Certificate Issuance 

Upon receipt of the application an inspection will be scheduled within 10 days. Upon completion of an inspection a report will be provided stating any conditions found during the inspection.

  1. If there are no violations found at the time of inspection a Certificate of Apartment Occupancy will be issued within 10 days.
  2. If violations are found an official notice of order letter will be sent with a specific time for compliance, with a maximum of 45 days. Non-compliance will be reason enough to deny the issuance of the Certificate of Apartment Occupancy.

Upon correction of all violations, within the specified compliance time, the owner or authorized agent shall receive a Certificate of Apartment Occupancy.