Apply to be Mobile Vendor

Mobile Food Vendor Cart

Thank you for your interest in becoming a registered mobile vendor!

In partnership with the Mayor's Office and Hartford Parking Authority, the Departments of Health & Human Services (HHS) and Development Services (DDS) have modified the City's mobile vendor requirements and regulations. Vendors who are interested in operating on private property should also note that the Planning & Zoning Commission amended the Hartford Zoning Regulations in May, 2020 regarding food trucks. Please review the information and attachments on this page carefully, and check back for more information in coming weeks.


Complete Your Mobile Vendor Application

Applicants are required to submit all required information for:

  • Food Service Licensing through HHS;
  • Mobile Vendor Licensing through DDS - Licenses & Inspections Division and;
  • Zoning Approval through DDS - Planning Division (if applicable)

Check the Food Truck Permitted Locations Map under Related Information. 

Planning & Zoning Application Portal

Licenses & Inspections Application Portal

Health & Human Services Application Portal

NOTE: The new mobile vendor year begins July 1, 2024 and ends June 30, 2025.  After June 30, 2024, the 2023-2024 permit/license is no longer valid.