The City of Hartford Registrars of Voters will hold a registration session for persons wishing to become registered voters for the up-coming General Election that will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, from 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
EARLY VOTING: OCTOBER 21 - 31, NOVEMBER 1 - 3.10 am – 6 pm; 8 am – 8 pm on October 29 and 31Your Say. Your Day. Early Voting allows you to vote in person safely and securely before Election Day. To learn how to vote early, click the links below to download educational brochures, or visit for more information about elections in Connecticut.
The City of Hartford wants to encourage all property owners to take the necessary precautions to protect their home, their family, their businesses and other assets during severe weather.
The membership of the Planning & Zoning Commission is identical to the Inland Wetlands & Watercourse Commission (IWWC). Meetings are held on the same night in succession.
P&Z establishes and changes the zoning regulations and zoning map; hears applications for site plan reviews, and special permits; recommends a plan of conservation and development every 10 years; administers subdivision regulations; and conducting other reviews in accordance with the Connecticut general statutes. Additionally, P&Z Commissioners prepare and revise a five year program of public improvements; recommend capital projects to be undertaken by the City in each fiscal year; and review resolutions and ordinances being considered by the Council relating to location of streets, bridges, squares, parks, playgrounds, playfields, aviation fields, parking spaces, public buildings, or public utilities.
Supporting Department: Development Services - Planning Division
Number of Members: 7 Regular; 3 Alternates
Find agendas, minutes, commissioner names, and more on CivicWeb at:
Persons with skills and knowledge in fields such as planning, architecture, landscape architecture, real estate or law.
P&Z meets the second & fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6pm. The application deadline is three (3) weeks prior to each meeting.
Information on upcoming meetings will be posted to CivicWeb ( An agenda, "Notice of Public Hearing" for each application, and application documents will be posted 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting. Additional meeting documents, including staff reports, will be posted the week before the meeting.